Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Article in Cosmo titled "Tame the Bitch Within"

I recently stumbled upon this article titled "Tame the Bitch Within" published by Cosmopolitan Australia. It's a short read and in the context of being dumped in a relationship written by Carolin Dahlman, professional love coach and author. The tips here are useful indeed but easier said than done!

Women usually let their emotions cloud their better judgment. In this article the author herself refers to the situation leaving women in an "emotional mess". In reality, nothing makes any sense until we learn to separate our emotions and think more clearly. A rule-of-thumb is to never ever make a big decision when you are in an "emotional mess". It's usually the wrong decision.

If you ever find yourself in that break-up situation try the following:

* Focus on yourself and learn to "let go"
* Take your time to re-build that relationship with yourself and find out what you really want
* Take your time to heal and as you heal learn to forgive
* Keep your sense of humor :)

As a communicator, I encourage you to build a positive vocabulary and change the way you communicate to everyone. This will also change the way you feel. Here are some phrases that can be extremely powerful.

"Let Go"
"I am free"
"I can lead a better life"
"Be strong"
"Stay positive"
"I deserve respect"

Start saying them today and see how you feel. I welcome any comments, feedback or experience to add to the list above and don't forget to smile. :D

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